Welcome to our Parish

Our parish of Billingshurst and West Grinstead is served by the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in West Grinstead and the Church of St. Gabriel's in Billingshurst.

The Vision for our Parish is to be a loving and welcoming community where we hear the Word of God and grow in faith as we learn to live it.

Nourished by Christ’s living presence in the Eucharist and the sacraments and empowered by God’s Spirit working within us, we are called to reach out and serve the wider community, especially supporting those in need and sharing with all, the Joy and Hope of the Gospel.

Life in Our Parish

Weekly Schedule

Check the current newsletter for variations to the normal schedule


9.15am – Mass at St. Gabriel’s

11.15am – Mass at Our Lady of Consolation


9.30am – Mass at St. Gabriel’s


10.00am – Online Rosary via ZOOM (click here to join)

11.00am – Adoration and Benediction at Our Lady of Consolation

Noon – Mass at Our Lady of Consolation


7.00pm – Mass at St. Gabriel’s


9.30am – Mass at St. Gabriel’s followed by Adoration


Saturday 9.30am – Mass at St. Gabriel’s followed by Adoration and Benediction

Holy Days of Obligation

Noon – Mass at Our Lady of Consolation

7.00pm – Mass at St. Gabriel’s

NB Please check the latest newsletter for changes to this schedule

Parish Life in Pictures

Horsham District Food Bank

Please see newsletter for list of latest items needed.

Thank you for continued support to our local community. The food donated supports local families in and around Billingshurst.

Donations can be dropped off in the collection box immediately after the 9:15 mass on Sunday at St. Gabriels

at the community centre by 12:30 on Sunday

between 9:00 and 10:30am at the Community Centre on Monday

directly to Horsham Matters, Redkiln Close, Horsham RH13 5QL
between 9:30-14:00 Monday to Friday

Weekly Offertory

Making a contribution

Weekly donations can be made in cash as normal, or using the card payment machine available in the parish room at Our Lady of Consolation or the narthex at St. Gabriel’s.

A big thank you to all those Parishioners who have set up standing orders. New standing orders can be set up using the details below:

Account Name: RCD of A&B St Gabriels, Billingshurst
Sort code: 40-05-20
Account number: 51076779
Reference: Billingshurst


Account Name: RCD A&B Our Lady of Consolation & St Francis
Sort code: 40-05-20
Account number: 61076884
Reference: West Grinstead

For making one off donations, the diocese has set up a Jut Giving page. Click the button below to the Just Giving Page.

Click Donate.

Select or enter an amount, (if you wish to you can change the additional contribution to ‘other’ and leave as 0.00) click Continue.

You must enter ‘Parish of Billingshurst and West Grinstead’ into the message so that the Diocese will be able to allocate the amount to our account.

Click Continue.

Select if you wish to add Gift Aid, even if you don’t you must select No before you can click Continue.

On the payment page, select how you wish to pay and make your payment as directed.

Meet the team

Canon Tim Madeley

Rector and Parish Priest

Sarah Cooper

Chair of Finance Committee

Denise Bass

Parish Secretary

Kevin Rourke

Parish Safeguarding Officer

Kate Goddard

Shrine Administrator

Geoff Callister

Pilgrimage Co-ordinator

Pilgrimage at Our Lady of Consolation

Our ‘Pilgrimage Season’ runs from Easter until late September.

Pilgrimages are always day events. Regrettably there is no over-night accommodation available at the Shrine.

Pilgrimages must be arranged with us in advance – we do appreciate you giving us as much notice as possible. They can be arranged for most days, but Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday are preferred. Sunday events have to be scheduled around our Parish Mass which begins at 11.15am.

We can accommodate up to 100 people. Greater numbers would need more careful planning.

Hall facilities to hire

We are very fortunate to have a great facility in our hall and kitchen at St. Gabriel’s and both are available to hire, see more details for conditions and availability.

The hall can accommodate:

  • 68 maximum for seated dining or talk events.
  • 100 maximum for standing/buffet events.

Suggestion Box

If you have a suggestion for the core team to consider that will help improve the life of our parish family, please complete the details below and submit it to the core team or you can complete a suggestion when you next visit either the Shrine or the church.

St Gabriel's is a proud member of Churches Together in Billingshurst

The four churches in Billingshurst have joined together to support the ecumenical activities to promote the love of God for all, and the inclusion for all in the life of the Church.

Where to find us

The Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation and St. Francis

St. Gabriel's Church